Monday, 11 June 2018

E3 2018: Microsoft Press Conference - The Plus and The Minus

Microsoft's best press conference in a long long time. But buckle up, this might be a long one. Anything not mentioned here means I have nothing to say on it or I'm just luke warm.

+ Ori and The Will of The Wisps

I have no connection to this franchise at all but this game look stunning and exciting to play, the game looks a lot like the previous two Rayman games, Origins and Legends. I really enjoyed those games so I don't mind playing another one.

+ Sekiro

From Software, Dark Souls-esque games are just really cool concepts. I've only played Bloodbourne, and then it was only because it was free recently with PS Plus, but I immediately understood when I started playing that game. The combat feels amazing and for someone like me who really enjoys timing based combat instead combos, I really enjoyed it. This game looks just as cool, the setting is a nice change of pace to Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodbourne.

+ Fallout 76

This was a trailer that showed us more of Fallout 76 but nothing huge just yet, I'm sure we're going to see stuff later on at Bethesda's conference but for now, it looks good.

+ The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit

I'm a huge fan of Life Is Strange and I loved Before The Storm, so this is right up my alley. It's great because they've gone for a whole new take and tone here and it looks heart melting. Also it's free, which is crazy!

+ Crackdown 3

Terry Crews could sell me anything. As a fan of Brooklyn Nine Nine I just have a huge soft spot for the actor. This game makes me hugely jealous that I'm not an Xbox One owner, something that the PS3 never made me feel last generation.

+ Metro Exodus

I haven't played any Metro, something I still need to try out, but this looks really cool and more footage compared to last year has got me excited.

+ Kingdom Hearts 3

Frozen, Monsters Inc, Tangled. I mean come on. This shit is great, I get it, it isn't everyones cup of tea but I really enjoy Kingdom Hearts wacky cheesy story.

+ Forza Horizon 4

This is the first time I've been jealous of a car game. Forza Horizon 4 looks beautiful, captivating and enjoyable in every sense. Seasons although not initially a selling point become more desirable when they showcased the driving over a frozen lake. But the always online racing is the real selling point for me. Then again, I just bought Burnout Paradise remaster for the PS4, so maybe I'll just go play that.

+ Microsoft aquisitions

I think Sony have had some of the best first party studios and video games of the past couple of years but these studio acquisitions is looking good for Microsoft's future in first party.

+ We Happy Few

I honestly thought this game had already came out because of being a Playstation player and it being a Xbox exclusive. But apparently it hasn't. I really love this concept, I really love this art style, and overall I really enjoy the look of the game. If I get a chance to play it I will.

+ Sable


+ Harold Halibut


+ Shadow of the Tomb Raider

I haven't played the other two Tomb Raider games yet, but I think this new reboot looks good all round so I'm happy that they are continuing on with it.

+ Session

I thought this was Skate 4 for 90% of this trailer and then I remembered as soon as the name came up that Session was a thing. I'm excited to get my hand on this even though lack of any sort of date kinda means this was an empty trailer that maybe was trying to play on the expectation that EA announced Skate 4.

+ Devil May Cry 5

I haven't really touched DMC, I played the first level or so of the first one and that is about it. But this looks fun and cool even though my experience with the switch version of Bayonetta this year has convinced me more that combo orientated combat in games really isn't my thing.

+ Tunic

I vaguely remember this from somewhere else, but regardless the game look stunning, cute and a lot like Zelda. ticks all round.

+ Dying Light 2

I haven't really seen much of Dying Light but this sequel is looking very very special and awesome. I love what they showed and talked about here with the mechanics and dialogue choices and the effects it has. Really cool.

+ Gears Tactics

This looks like Xcom. I like Xcom. If they  bring something new and different to the genre I'm in. If not. Then I'll stick to Xcom.

+ Cyberpunk 2077

AW YEAH, this is the game I have wanted my entire life. Blade Runner, The Fifth Element, all those cyberpunk visual styles and concepts in an actual game I could sink my teeth into. an RPG of all things too. I'm very very excited about some more info on this game soon.

- Halo Infinite

Not really a Halo fan so it makes it easier for me to put this here. No info on this at all and a nothing trailer. Kinda feels like it would've been better being left off. This game will be a talking point over some smaller games that actually look good and come out soon and that's a shame.

- Game Pass

Just to reiterate on what I said about streaming services in the EA blog. Streaming games to any device is not the way I want to go. I want to OWN my games, especially when you sink so much time into a game.

- Black Desert

Just looked super bland to me and didn't feel like it needed a press conference spot. Definitely there to fill in the '50 games' promise.

- Gears Pop

I love Pop Vinyls and everything but NONONONONONONONONONONONONONO  I don't need Pop Vinyl games.

50 games, huge exclusives, huge reveals, gotta be up there for me as one of the best conference in a long time. It makes you wonder if all thses games went to Microsoft because Sony are only going to show the 4 or 5 games they said they will be taking a look at.

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