Monday, 11 June 2018

E3 2018: EA Play Conference - The Plus and The Minus

Guess who's back? Back again? Oli's back, and I'm going to slaughter EA now.

+ Anthem

Got a big deep look into Anthem at EA, the game looks cool, although I think I have my criticisms my main take away from all of it was: 'This looks like Destiny but made for me'. Destiny isn't really my thing because it's mainly just a multiplayer game, and although Anthem is kinda in the same bag, the addition of having story areas where you basically play a single player Bioware game is pretty crazy. February feels like such a long time away though, for something that you take such a deep dive into I thought I'd be seeing it sooner.

+ Battlefield V

I haven't picked up a military FPS in a long time, and back when I did it was always COD. So recently I've been looking over at the competitor, Battlefield, to see if this is where I'm gonna jump in. Truth is, I'm not sure, but I think the game looks graphically amazing and the story mode seems intriguing. That's the one thing Battlefield has over COD this year and it's definitely a plus to me.

+ Star Wars Battlefront II

Man oh man, a lot happened in between last E3 and this E3 for Battlefront II. And it probably doesn't surprise you that I didn't pick up the game when it came out. The nasty micro-transactions and levelling system killed any enthusiasm the game gave me. Now although at the press conference this year they weren't pulling out all the stops, they were taking a step in the right direction. It gives me confidence that if I wanted to pick up this game in the future at a very low price (I mean low) I'll have a fun time and not have to worry about the horrible stuff that used to be in the game.

+ Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

Respawn are one of the only EA devs that I have hope for. Titanfall 2 was much better than it should've been and I want to see that team create something great with Star Wars. This game by description alone sounds cool. Obviously they only talked about it so take with a grain of salt.

+ Unravel two

It's nice to have at least one of these 'PLAY NOW' games at a conference, and EA just released a full blown sequel to Unravel. This time a full co-op game, I'm glad EA seem to support co-op games, A Way Out was a lot of fun and Unravel two could be as well. I wasn't fully convinced so I won't be playing it right away, but when I start seeing some positive reviews maybe me and my girlfriend can give it a go.

+ Sea Of Solitude

This games art style is right up my alley, and although there wasn't a huge amount shown about what the game play of this game was, the concept was enough of an interest for me.

- Command & Conquer Rivals

Can't say I know a lot about Command & Conquer, but a lot of time was taken by this mobile game, it was very dull. Legitimately felt like a time filler and although I know this is an IP that is beloved by some people, from what I can gather is that some people hate this is a mobile game and others don't? I don't know but I wasn't interested.

- EA Origin Access Premiere

Streaming gaming services still feels like years and years away from actually feeling good to play. PS Now doesn't feel good so I don't believe any other company could improve on that for a while. Also streaming games isn't a future I want to be going towards. Movies and TV is a different story for streaming as they are very short in comparisons and you don't wanna own a DVD for every movie you like or would like to watch. Video games are huge time sinkers. I like the idea you can jump from game to game to see what you would enjoy, but that could just be a demo service for new releases. I want to actually own the games I enjoy.

- Sports!!!

Same as every year, a lot of sports. It's fine, it felt like they cut it down huge this year.


The fact that they mentioned this several times for different games is really bad. They also expected cheers and celebration. They shouldn't have done these shitty practises in the first place and they shouldn't be commended for not doing it.

- No Skate 4... again.

Maybe this is the new Beyond Good and Evil 2 or The Last Guardian, but with more and more rumours coming out each year signalling a new Skate game, it is so disappointing to never get a word on the franchise.

Overall this conference set my expectations super low, and I felt thoroughly dejected for the first time for an E3. Really unfortunate. 

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