Monday, 4 April 2016

WWE 2015-16 Season Awards

Another year and another round of awards for the figurative WWE season. That’s right I’m back to give you my thoughts and awards on the best and the worst of WWE this year, for the 3rd year in the row. If this is the first one you’ve read the awards are determined between the Raw after Mania 31 to Mania 32. Let’s get right into it.
Best Moment of the year – Kevin Owens beats John Cena in his debut match at Elimination Chamber
For me I hadn’t been so happy with a match and an outcome in a long time. Seeing Kevin Owens, being someone who embodies the kind of guys I like and support against the face of the company, the embodiment of the WWE’s perfect wrestler and then win was the most ecstatic feeling, it was such a good match and the two guys might not be able to top it for a while.
Worst moment of the year – Roman Reigns wins the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 32
Somehow we managed to fend it off last year but this year there was no escaping it. Vince wanted his new samoan golden boy to be the next big star and he wanted that main event win at Mania. I don’t care about Reigns, and hearing by the poorly turned down boo’s of the AT&T Stadium I don’t think anyone else does either.
Best PPV of the year – Night Of Champions
WWE Night of Champions 2015 Poster
For the first time during these awards WrestleMania doesn’t win this award, buytI don’t think any PPVS truly deserved the award, there were no real standouts instead just standout matches. So I’ve picked the PPV that had the better card of matches, none of these matches I hated too much, with a double Rollins main event I guess it couldn’t have gone too wrong.
Worst PPV of the year – WrestleMania 32
I really didn’t wanna do this and maybe it’s just the sour taste it’s left in my mouth since this is the morning before and maybe it’s because it was supposed to be the best PPV of the year but Mania this year has really felt like a disappointment. Some matches were good, like AJ/Jericho, Women’s Title Match, IC Ladder Match and Shane/Taker but the winners of most matches were the wrong ones, and the rest being terrible matches too. The only two winners that felt good for me were Ryder and Corbin. Let’s hope I don’t feel like this with next year’s Mania.
Rookie of the year – Kevin Owens
Sure the word Rookie isn’t great (as I realised when JBL and Jericho kept saying it about Styles) but it’s really all about the best wrestler who debut and Main Roster this year and made the biggest impact, and no one did it like Kevin Owens this year. Owens came out with a big mouth and an attitude ready to chop down the the face of the company and US champion. Since then has made Main Roster interesting to watch, let’s hope he’ll be around for a long time.
Superstar of the year – Seth Rollins
After WrestleMania last year Seth Rollins became THE MAN, not only did he carry Raw most weeks but he kept putting on great matches and great stories, it’s a shame he missed this years Mania through to injury, the year he should’ve definitely Main Evented. I have no doubt in my mind he deserved this.
Superstar who needs a push – Neville
Debuted the night after Mania 31 but nothing really happened since. Sadly one of the most gifted wrestlers in the company right now is being treated as a mid-carder when he should be getting more exposure and more time. It looks like through Ryder’s win at Mania that Neville if he didn’t get injured may have actually got his first Main Roster title and a decent push. Maybe it makes Ryder’s win a little bittersweet.
Woman of the year – Sasha Banks
Although the Women’s division has gone through some highs and lows this year, it’s fair to say it’s come out better for it. I could’ve given this to Charlotte as she has been Divas & now Women’s champion and given the most air time but I believe she’s been off and on all year, meanwhile Sasha Banks, with little we’ve seen of her, she has been stellar every time. So Sasha this is to you and lets hope you continue for the next year and the years afterwards.
Team of the year – The New Day
NEW DAY ROCKS, New Day’s debut wasn’t the greatest start but they adapted to their criticisms and came out as a better team for it. Arguably the most entertaining part of Raw for a couple of months and the best and legitimate heel team for a long time until turning back face through sheer fan cheers and applause over their wild and funny antics on Raw every week. No other team have come even close to them this year, they fully deserve this.
Heel of the year – Seth Rollins
For a second year in a row, Seth Rollins once again is the best heel of the company, being the forefront of most Raw’s and playing the ‘chickenshit’ heel perfectly. Want more? Read Superstar of the year.
Face of the year – Dean Ambrose
Just like last year, Dean Ambrose has become the one wrestler who gets cheered no matter who is on the other side of the ring, something that Vince wishes his former Shield brother Roman Reigns could have. Dean has been backed by fans all year, always teetering on the edge of the championship gold, with screwy finishes, it always seems to be just out of Ambrose’s reach. Something we the fans gravitate towards just like we did with Daniel Bryan. Hopefully WWE will finally come to their senses and replace Reigns’ push with Ambrose and we can finally see Dean with the title.
Shock of the year – AJ Styles debuts at the Royal Rumble
There had been rumors for weeks before hand about AJ Styles and if he would truly be coming to WWE. The idea felt impossible, the TNA original stepping foot into a WWE ring? Would he be going to NXT or Main Roster? AJ was possibly the biggest star, behind Sting, who had never stepped foot in a WWE ring, so when he turned up as number 3 the crowd at the Rumble and every fan at home jumped out of their seats and screamed at the top of their lungs.
Match of the year – Kevin Owens vs John Cena, Elimination Chamber
See Best Moment of the year.
Feud of the year – Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose
Similar to PPV of the year there was no real huge stand out of best feuds just best matches. Luckily we had one feud that will never disappoint in Rollins vs Ambrose, the matches that were involved were great and although it was a short run it was a brilliantly executed one.
That’s it for this years festivities, be sure to stay tuned here and at ThatBlueFluffyBlog for more articles to be released soon. Also tell me your opinion in the comments, thanks again!
Tweet Me: @olikidsley

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