We back again for E3 2019, very different this year, no Sony, no proper EA conference, a Google Gaming platform known as Stadia and next gen seeming very imminent. It seems to be a weird year for the convention, but nevertheless I am still extremely excited by just some of the pre announcements already. Let's go through them in no particular order.
Destroy All Humans! Remake
I didn't play a lot of these games back on the PS2 but I did play it round friends houses and enjoyed what they were. Honetly this is a series I have always been curious in and the announcement of a remake seems like a great time to jump on. The trailer is really fucking cool as well, I think it must be a Rammstein song but it just really rules, the graphics in the trailer look so good, it is definitely just a pre rendered cut scene but if the game looks half as good as that I will be over the moon.
Spongebob Squarepants Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
AW HELL YEAH, we're getting some good as Spongebob games back, now we just need the flying dutchman game, lights camera pants and the movie game. There wasn't much of a trailer for this so unsure what it could look like but it's still exciting from my opinion.
Yooka-Laylee and The Impossible Lair
Didn't play the first game, but it looks as if this game is going for a side scrolling platformer and a top down styled over world, unlike the first games, 3D platformer collect-a-thon. Seems cool and fun looking!
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
Haven't been a big CoD guy in a long time, but after play the first Modern Warfare remake recently and remembering the enjoyment I got from some of those games I actually am interested in this game. Trailer is really good too. I have a feeling that this might still be in a conference, or this beig announced Pre-E3 confirms that Microsoft had no room for Call Of Duty this year, which would be interesting.
Death Stranding
I still don't know what the fuck this about, but there was a lot more shown here than there was last time and it looks really good and interesting. That's about as much as I have to say because idek what it is gonna be especially after all those tweets Kojima made about the game afterwards saying it isn't an action game its a strand game.
Pokemon Direct on Sword & Shield
DYNAMAX, what a cool ass looking game. I love the open world, I love the seeming fous on arena battles, thats the kinda stuff I want to see in Pokemon as someone who isn't massively attached to the franchise. I think it looks like enough of a change that a lot of fans will be really interested in trying it out.
Stadia Connect
Honestly the promise of Stadia continues to be intriguing but the (maybe) death of physical media still upset me as someone who loves to buy and own physical media. I think the pricing and how it will all work is still confusing even though they have announced it all.
EA Play
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
So they showed off an uncut 15 minute gameplay session from the game, and initial thoughts are that it looks really really cool. Combat looks like God Of War, thats the closest I can get to describing it, they kept saying the footage was being played by a 'skilled player' it's a game that hasn't come out yet so I don't know how skilled he is supposed to be, but he was getting hit a lot, and to me that either shows that the game is really hard, the combat is possibly messy or he is purposely trying to show being hit, not sure? Also I found it a little worrying with the way the combat looks, it looked (again) a bit messy, there was only a few cool abilities shown, and it makes me wonder if the game will have a combo list like God of War and a ability tree like God Of War that you can unlock more moves for your lightsaber and the force. This demo made it look like a linear level structure, maybe a little too linear? Not sure maybe I'm just being very cautious about the whole thing? Overall it looks really great. Excited to see more at Microsoft.
Apex Legends
I haven't played much Apex since it came out, not that I didn't like the game, I really loved the game, I think I lost my passion for playing because I wasn't building to anything I really wanted a lot like a skin, like I would do in Overwatch a couple years ago. Well that has changed with what they showed here today, they said 'I think we've upped our skin game' and I agree with that, just with the short few illustrations it looks really cool. Also the new Wraith skin (who is my main) that is out now looks really rad. The big reveal for this was the Season 2 character Watson, which I love everything about, a really different styled character, art direction wise and game play wise, she seems like she might be too over powered but we wont know until we get our hands on her. She has a back story which is the first time this game feels like it's building more of a heavy lore around it, which is what I really wanted out of the game. I always liked the designs of all the characters but Watson looks like they have a made an effort to go out in a different direction. I'm really excited about her and the way the game is going, feels like they understand what made the game less than perfect and aiming to fix that. Overall Season 2 looks very exciting especially with the tease at the end of seemingly a giant dragon!? Very interested and I will definitely playing over the weekend to get that sweet double XP.
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