Monday, 12 June 2017

E3 2017: Bethesda Conference - The Plus and The Minus

Personally the main question on my mind going into the Bethesda press conference was if they even deserved one this year, sure there were rumours about The Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein, but was it really worth it? Well I think it was lack luster but not as bad as EA.

The Plus

+ Fallout 4 VR

Someone had to make the leap into making a fully fledged open world game in VR and it just so happened that Bethesda had the perfect game ready for it. The reason this is a plus is purely because of the risk, if this flops then other companies will take notice and be hesitant to create anything more than a stand and shoot game for VR headsets, but on the flip side if Bethesda nail Fallout 4 VR then we could start to see the blossom of some truly great games in Virtual Reality.

+ Creation Club

This is a hesitant plus, the idea that this is more organised and looks better for console gamers and can start to give indie devs a chance to play with big triple A games then that is super cool. But I did see some sort of 'credits' currency, if this means these mods/items are a way to slip micro-transactions into 2 of the best open world games today then people will not be happy, myself included.

+ Skyrim on Nintendo Switch

Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch is probably one of the best selling points for the Switch in my opinion and although this didn't really show anything too amazing we did see the Link amiibo being used to give the in-game character a Breath Of The Wild Link outfit and Master Sword and Shield, so that alone is pretty sweet.

+ Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider

I am a big fan of Dishonored and recently just completed Dishonored 2, so I'm glad to see some DLC being able to play as Rosario Dawson's character Billie. By the looks of it it looks like a prequel. I don't want to spoil why I think that but people who've finished the game know why also. I can't wait to see what abilities she has and what the story is like.

+ Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

I haven't got a chance to play either Wolfenstein's (The New Order and The Old Blood) but this game still looks great, full of story and interesting level design. I love alternate timelines!

The Minus

- Doom VFR

I don't know, I love 2016's Doom, probably the best single player shooter for a long time, but the fact that they made this game into a teleporting VR shooter, turns me off to the idea completely. Maybe I'm just a bit pessimistic but I feel like playing Doom the way it was shown in the trailer doesn't make me want to play the game at all.

- The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Heroes Of Skyrim

Just looks like a new Hearthstone rip-off. Sorry.

Again anything I didn't mention here I probably don't have a firm opinion on, I never played The Evil Within nor do I intend to so the Evil Within 2 announcement didn't do anything to me but I know for some it was really cool. Anyway I'll see you in the next post when we'll be looking at the next big conference of the week, Sony!

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